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Nancy Pelosi

What would we do without Nancy Pelosi in charge?

Two weeks ago, when the public was first learning how bad the coronavirus pandemic could get, Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats quickly passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, an emergency expansion of SNAP, WIC, paid leave and unemployment insurance.

It was the first step toward shoring up our safety net for those affected physically and economically by the crisis. And what did Mitch McConnell do? He let it linger in the Senate for three days before taking action.

As scary as things are, they would be worse if Republicans were in full control of our government. We MUST keep the House majority—we MUST support these 10 most-vulnerable incumbent Democratic women.

Keeping Democrats in charge means keeping the focus on women, because that’s still clearly where the energy in the Democratic Party is. Maybe you missed this last week, but in the March 17 Illinois primary, progressive insurgent Marie Newman triumphed over anti-choice, anti-Obamacare incumbent Rep. Dan Lipinski.

Unfortunately, women are more likely to suffer when money leaves these critical races during this national crisis, since they are more likely to rely on small-dollar, grassroots donations.

Online crowdfunding—growing our networks, pooling our resources to support other women—that is how we’ll do activism in the time of coronavirus.

If you can, pitch in before the March 31 quarterly deadline with a $5 donation to any or all of the women on our Most Endangered Democrats slate.

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