•  In the News

Right now Rep. Sharice Davids (KS-3) and Angie Craig (MN-2) are the only openly LGBTQ women in the House of Representatives.

That’s left our Celebrate Pride slate for 2022 looking a little empty.

While it’s undeniable we’re making progress—Congress has a record number of sitting LGBTQ members this year—the representation is a little lopsided: Seven out of the nine openly gay House members identify as male. There are no transgender members of Congress, though transgender representation continues to grow in state legislatures. 

So what can we do? Recruitment is the answer. Last cycle, our Pride slate included six women running in competitive races, including Sharice and Angie. If any races had gone the other way, LGBTQ women would have made historic gains. 

That’s why we’re kicking off Pride Month by asking you to give $10 or more to Sharice and Angie, and to help us make our Pride slate’s $2,022 goal in June, so we can show potential candidates the grassroots support is there—if they run.

We hope our Pride slate grows as this election cycle unfolds. We’ll keep you posted. 

Thank you! And happy Pride!

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