We know you are being asked to support a long list of causes and organizations, and now we’re asking you to consider a gift to WomenCount as well —– and help us do the critical work of electing more women to office.
Virginia was the best test yet of what our platform can do. In the final weeks of the election, we raised nearly $25,000 from grassroots donations, most of which were $100 or less. And all of that went to local women candidates —– the kinds of candidates who have the most trouble tapping into major donor networks.
But with crowdfunding, they don’t have to do that. The network is friends, family members, and small advocacy organizations pooling their resources to make a big impact.
WomenCount is the first platform dedicated solely to bringing the power of crowdfunding to Democratic women candidates. And now we need to raise $20,000 to update our platform and bring it to more of the most hotly contested state races in the country.
Giving Tuesday is tomorrow. Will you chip in $25 by then to help us meet that goal?
Thank you, and happy holidays.