Wave, Blue Ocean Wave
The 2018 election officially gets under way next Tuesday—when Texas primary voters go to the polls. Illinois follows close behind on March 20. So now is the time to get involved!
In the three most competitive Texas and Illinois primary races, women are frontrunners to win the Democratic nomination—and be a part of the Blue Wave that will hit Republican-held districts across the country this fall.
And today, we’re adding one more candidate: Marie Newman, who’s running against incumbent Democratic Rep. Dan Lipinski in IL-3.
The fact is, IL-3 has been trending more left for years, and Rep. Lipinski’s conservative, Blue Dog politics simply no longer represent it or the Democratic Party—especially his opposition to the ACA, abortion rights, and same-sex marriage.
This year, voters have the chance to replace him with Newman, a Democrat who supports universal healthcare, raising the minimum wage, reversing Citizens United, and protecting everyone’s rights.
Help her win: Chip in $5 to Marie Newman and the 7 other contenders on our March Primaries slate.