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In one week, voters go to the polls to elect the next Governor of Virginia and delegates in all 100 state House districts.

Right now, polls are showing Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam within the margin of error. We’ve also heard from some local grassroots groups that turnout is a concern in key districts, potentially leaving Democrats short of the 17 seats we need to regain control.

A last-minute cash infusion will help these campaigns put canvassing teams in the areas they need to win. All of these slates support women running in Virginia —–   chip in now to the one that speaks to you: 

There’s so much riding on this election, Meghan.

If we don’t take back the House of Delegates and elect a Democratic governor, Republicans will gerrymander Virginia’s state and federal congressional districts so that it’s impossible for Democrats to ever regain control —–   even though most Virginians increasingly vote blue.

Even worse, Republicans will feel emboldened heading into 2018. Their campaign rhetoric will get nastier and move divisive (most are already channeling Trump’s style), even as the stakes get higher and higher for us.

Give these women running in competitive districts the last-minute donations they need to get out the vote! Give to our Virginia is for Lovers of Democracy slate, our Local Majority slate, or our Hillary Effect slate

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