New Jersey
Contributors: The following persons and entities are permitted to contribute to Mikie Sherrill for Governor: Individuals, Corporations, Labor Organizations, Political Action Committees (PACs), Continuing Political Committees (CPCs) and Groups/Associations (includes out-of-state and federal PACs). Contributions may also be drawn upon the account of a Partnership or Limited Liability Company (“LLC”) provided proper allocation rules are followed.
Contributions Drawn on Joint Accounts: Contributions from joint account holders will be attributed to the individual whose signature appears on the check. Joint account checks can be attributed to multiple account holders. In such a case, joint account checks will be attributed equally to those joint account holders whose names and signatures appear on the check or are provided with accompanying documentation.
Contributions Drawn on the Account of a Partnership or LLC: Contributions drawn upon the account of partnerships and limited liability companies must be attributed to specific partner(s)/member(s) and will count toward their individual limit(s). State law requires that a contribution check drawn upon the account of a partnership or limited liability company must be signed by the contributing partner(s)/member(s) or must be accompanied by a letter allocating the contribution to the specific partner(s)/member(s). If the contribution is attributed to more than one partner/member, each partner/member to whom a portion of the contribution is to be attributed must sign the contribution check or an allocation letter accompanying the contribution and provide the contributor information requested on the front of this form.
Credit Card Contributions: Credit card contributions must be from an account owned by the contributor. No contributions drawn on a business entity credit card will be accepted.
Contributions are subject to New Jersey Campaign Finance Law as follows:
- Contributions may not exceed $5,800 per election.
- Contributions may not be reimbursed.
- Mikie Sherrill for Governor may not accept contributions from foreign nationals or foreign corporations. However, individuals who have permanent U.S. residence (green cards) may contribute.
- The Casino Control Act prohibits Mikie Sherrill for Governor from accepting contributions from companies that hold or are applicants for a casino license, including any holding company or subsidiary of a casino licensee or applicant. Contributions from officers, directors and key employees of any such company are also prohibited. In addition, contributions by members of the New Jersey Casino Control Commission and its employees are barred.
- Contributions from regulated-industry companies (banks, insurance companies, utilities) are prohibited. Individuals affiliated with a regulated-industry company can contribute with personal funds.
- State contractors and prospective state contractors may be subject to reduced limits.