Are you feeling the love today? If so, we have some suggestions on how to show it. Forget flowers and chocolate—consider chipping in to the people and causes you care about, including these hardworking women in Congress.
You can give to our Gun Sense slate of women who have championed common-sense reform. If reproductive rights is your go-to issue, consider a donation to our slate of women who have stepped up to defend Planned Parenthood. Or if you’re still reeling with disbelief over Betsy DeVos’s confirmation as Secretary of Education, consider a gift of ‘thanks’ to the members of the education committee who voted against her.
Maybe you want to get a jump on the 2018 mid-terms. Chip in to our 2018 Blue Wall—10 women Senators who are up for re-election next year. Or you can give specifically to our four ‘Trump Targets’ who are running in states Trump won in 2016.
And if you can’t find a slate that tickles your fancy, and you don’t feel like making your own, consider giving directly to WomenCount. We’re the first and only crowdfunding platform that focuses exclusively on fundraising for Democratic women.
Even with our gains last year, women still only make up 19% of Congress. Considering that women candidates tend to raise smaller amounts from more individual donors, helping them reach those donors is critically important.
And that’s what we’re trying to do with crowdfunding. Show us some love?