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2025’s Biggest Abortion Battle is Underway

It’s true.  We think of 2025 as an ‘off year’ for elections, but one of the most critical contests for abortion rights is happening right now in Wisconsin. When Judge Janet was elected and liberals took control of the state Supreme Court in...
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Community Counts, Vol. 1

Welcome to our new periodic community newsletter, where you’ll get a glimpse into what the greater WomenCount community is reading, watching and listening to as we make our way through Trump’s second term.  We’re still firmly committed to staying in...
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Instead of watching the Inauguration, do this 

The dreaded day is here: Donald Trump will be sworn in for his second term at noon today. We honor that everyone will do what’s right for them to mark the moment, and it’s personal. For us, the pomp and circumstance...
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Big DSCC News + 2 races to get started on

We hope you had some time to rest over the holiday season, and that you’re refreshed and ready for the bumpy ride over the next two years.  Starting January 20, Republicans will have full control of the government until at...
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Permission to unplug, granted

Over the next two weeks, we want to encourage you to log off, unplug—whatever you need to do to regain some perspective and recharge after the year it’s been.  We know it's been a year with some major challenges, but...
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1 call to make the ERA the 28th Amendment

Did you know a single phone call is all it could take to ensure legal equality for women under the US Constitution?  Technically, the deadline for states to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment passed in 1982. But since then, thanks...
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Working to win the House in 2026 starts now

An intense amount of political energy over the next two years will be dedicated to winning back the House—and for our most competitive women there’s no such thing as too soon.  Recruitment for the next cycle is already starting, and...