•  In the News

Women, War And Ending The Sexism That Fuels It

“When women influence decisions about war and peace and take the lead against extremism in their communities, it is more likely crisis will be resolved without recourse to violence.” Establishing gender balance in office is more critical now then ever...
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Why We Need a Female President

Great post from ViralWomen.com on Why We Need a Female President. "A recent report from the Pew Research Center examining why there are so few women in business leadership roles, reminds us that only 20 percent of U.S. Senators are women, and...
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This Bill Takes On An Often Overlooked Risk Of Domestic Abuse

Did you know only 17 states give survivors leave to do essential things like go to court, go to the doctor, or take other steps to address domestic violence? Senator Patty Murray and California  Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard introduced the Security and Financial Empowerment (SAFE)...
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Here’s What Happens When You Put More Women in Government

History suggests when more women are in government, the country benefits. Important read: “We know that companies with more gender-balanced leadership teams significantly outperform companies with only men at the helm,” says Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, CEO of Twenty first, a consulting...
  •  In the News

Feminist Majority Honors Congresswomen Louise Slaughter, Donna Edwards and Barbara Lee

Congratulations Louise Slaughter, Barbara Lee and Donna Edwards on being honored at the 2015 Women Money Power Summit! "The Feminist Majority, in partnership with Feminist Majority Foundation, at its bi-annual Women Money Power Summit presents its first ever Lifetime Achievement Award to Congresswoman Louise Slaughter, the 2015 Fearless Trailblazer...
  •  In the News

In Oregon, Women Take the Lead

"Women make up 31 percent of Oregon legislators, as opposed to 24 percent nationwide. They caucus regularly when the legislature is in session. They have helped to push legislation that appears to be of specific concern to women, such as...
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Empowering Women through Crowdfunding

A great piece from See Jane Run in which Debe Fennell - crowdfunding and marketing expert - talks about Empowering Women through Crowdfunding - This translates from business into politics SO perfectly. “My two partners and I found our niche...
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The real reasons we’ve never had a woman president

Great post from the The Boston Globe: "Women can be 360-degree candidates, be policy-minded, and still talk about family. They no longer have to be versions of men to be successful. Being themselves has much more power than we realized." Read...