With the news swirling constantly around impeachment, it’s easy to forget: Election Day 2019 is one month away, and momentum is building to flip Virginia’s House and Senate on Nov. 5!
According to the Washington Post, voter registration is surging in Virginia’s Democratic strongholds. The Post also reports that Virginia’s House Democrats have a slight lead in fundraising—but Virginia’s Senate Democrats are still behind.
And since we’ve nearly met our goal of raising $5,000 for Virginia Democrats before Election Day, we’re raising the stakes—to $10,000.
Democrats need to pick off three seats to completely control the Virginia General Assembly: One in the Senate and two in the House of Delegates. And right now there are five flippable Senate seats and 15 flippable House seats, plus 12 close districts we have to hold.
These eight women can help do that: Sheila Bynum-Coleman, Nancy Guy, Martha Mugler and Shelly Simonds, who are running to flip House seats; Debra Rodman and Cheryl Turpin, who are running to flip Senate seats; and Wendy Gooditis and Dawn Adams, freshman incumbents in competitive districts.