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Stacey!!! Help her make history right now

We just heard the news: Stacey Abrams is running for Governor of Georgia! WomenCount crowdfunded for her in 2018 and we're thrilled to be raising for her again. Georgia desperately needs leaders who will protect people from COVID and protect...
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[Member Survey] The next two years.

We are mapping out priorities for the next two years—and we need your help. We know, broadly, the themes that will dominate: Democrats maintaining control of both chambers of Congress, and recovering our society from both the coronavirus pandemic and...
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After the impeachment, protect our democracy.

After what happened last week, things will not be ‘normal’ in America for a long time. It’s not clear what normal even looks like in a democracy as fractured as ours. Only time, combined with an effort at seeking justice,...
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How We Fight the GOP’s Big Money Machine

Our Senate SixPack slate was a big hit at the DNC. Such a big hit, in fact, that we met our fundraising goal before the convention was even over! People are really starting to realize just how extraordinary this year's...