"Women make up 31 percent of Oregon legislators, as opposed to 24 percent nationwide. They caucus regularly when the legislature is in session. They have helped to push legislation that appears to be of specific concern to women, such as...
There is a vast difference between men and women: how much they give to political campaigns - Did you know for every dollar donated to a campaign for a sitting member of Congress, about 76 cents has come from a...
A great piece from See Jane Run in which Debe Fennell - crowdfunding and marketing expert - talks about Empowering Women through Crowdfunding - This translates from business into politics SO perfectly. “My two partners and I found our niche...
Great post from the The Boston Globe: "Women can be 360-degree candidates, be policy-minded, and still talk about family. They no longer have to be versions of men to be successful. Being themselves has much more power than we realized." Read...
Great article on the increase in women fundraising and how very crucial the need for more women donors is to electing more women. Great quote from Kirsten Gillibrand: "I was embarrassed to ask people for money, and, at one point something...
When it comes to voter turnout women always tends to outnumber the men. But did you know that only about 30 percent of big donors to campaigns are women? When you stop to think about the billions of dollars of...
Women make up less than 20% of Congress, yet somehow makeup 56% of the voters. Do the math: 80% of congress - the people making decisions about our lives - are men. What's even more frustrating then the obvious lack...
This piece from Forbes explains why it is so difficult for women to fundraise, the theory here translates into politics perfectly. And it is why it's so important for women to support women running for office. “I had a really hard...
“We don’t have much trust right now among the members of Congress but we have it with the women senators.” - Amy Klobuchar A poignant quote from an interesting viewpoint article from the Pensacola news Journal. We couldn't agree more. In...
Fundraising While Female: Women Entrepreneurs And VCs On How To Bridge The Gender Gap is a piece from Forbes that covers something we are all to familiar with. "There’s some good news for women in the massively male-dominated Silicon Valley...