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More incumbent Dems at risk after last Tuesday

Last Tuesday’s statewide elections in Virginia and New Jersey have reshaped the political math for 2022—math that already predicts a strong Republican advantage.  In fact, the National Republican Congressional Committee was so energized by the GOP’s showing on Nov. 2...
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How our candidates did last week (not that bad, actually)

We are still waiting on results in some close races, but here’s a quick download on how WomenCount candidates did last Tuesday.  Topline: Overall, it was a rough night for Democrats, especially in Virginia. But not exactly terrible for women,...
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2022 Senate race update: NC, PA, WI

Now that Cheri Beasley has announced she's running for NC Senate in 2022, we are ready to debut our first slate of the cycle that includes the most competitive Senate races for incumbents and non-incumbents. Right now we have two vulnerable incumbents,...
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Women’s History Month: First up, the Senate

The last two election cycles have been historic for women, with a record number running for and winning seats in Congress.  But in that time, women’s representation in Congress has only gone from 24 percent to 27 percent. That ranks...
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Six high-profile mayoral races featuring Black women

Mayors have a critical role in public policy, as elected officials standing on the front lines of crises—mitigating climate change, furthering racial justice, and of course, managing the coronavirus pandemic. They're also an important part of the political pipeline: Mayors...
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Only one Black woman running for Senate? That’s not OK.

We know it seems early, but right now is prime recruitment season for 2022’s Senate races. There are already many potential candidates being floated for the most competitive Republican-held seats, in Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina and Florida.  But we’re noticing...
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It’s the end of an era. Here’s what’s next:

Welcome to the post-Trump era. Let’s get to work! WomenCount has spent nearly six years working to advance women’s political participation through crowdfunding, work that culminated last week in the swearing in of the first female Vice President of the...