•  In the News

The Perfect Gift for Hillary’s Birthday!

It's Hillary's birthday tomorrow, and we have the perfect gift for her this year: a Democratic Senate!  If elected, Hillary cannot promote her agenda without a Congress that's willing to work with her — especially the Senate, whose GOP members are already...
  •  In the News

We’re Almost There…

We've had our noses to the grindstone for months, working to get Hillary and down-ballot Democrats elected in swing states from Nevada to New Hampshire. And that hard work has paid off. The polls right now are looking really good-but...
  •  In the News

Let’s take it back

The latest misogyny displayed by Donald Trump is appalling and unacceptable -----     but sadly it's nothing new. We see the same offensive behavior all too often at the highest levels in every sector of our country -----     business, academia, sports,...
  •  In the News

Win a Piece of Hillary History!

We love the beautiful new Hillary pendants co-created by Susie Buell, a founder of WomenCount, and Billy Zeemann, a jewelry artist originally from New Zealand and now living in northern California. So we're giving one away! Be automatically entered to...
  •  In the News

The Field is Set!

After this week's primaries in Florida and Arizona the field of women House challengers is now set — and all eyes are on the six Democratic women poised to unseat incumbent House Republicans in November. Support our House Boot 'Em...
  •  Uncategorized

How We Fight the GOP’s Big Money Machine

Our Senate SixPack slate was a big hit at the DNC. Such a big hit, in fact, that we met our fundraising goal before the convention was even over! People are really starting to realize just how extraordinary this year's...
  •  In the News

Support the Senate Sisterhood

Last Thursday, The Women of the Senate—known to us as the "Senate Sisterhood"—took the Democratic National Convention stage with determination and grace, and explained exactly how hard a woman will fight to get the job done. Senator Elizabeth Warren said,...