•  In the News

Our New Blue Wall: the Senate

Like us, you're probably still reeling from what happened last Tuesday. And you're probably wondering how we — as women, as Democrats, and as people who care deeply about others — can rise against the wave of racist, radical policy proposals that will...
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Your Election Night Toolkit

We're in the final countdown and we're ready for Election Night! We've all worked hard for nearly two years—and it's time to have some fun. Three things to get set for Election Night: Download the WomenCount Election Night Scorecard and keep...
  •  In the News

The Perfect Gift for Hillary’s Birthday!

It's Hillary's birthday tomorrow, and we have the perfect gift for her this year: a Democratic Senate!  If elected, Hillary cannot promote her agenda without a Congress that's willing to work with her — especially the Senate, whose GOP members are already...
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Win a Piece of Hillary History!

We love the beautiful new Hillary pendants co-created by Susie Buell, a founder of WomenCount, and Billy Zeemann, a jewelry artist originally from New Zealand and now living in northern California. So we're giving one away! Be automatically entered to...
  •  In the News

What a Hillary Clinton Presidency Means for Women

"Every time I hear a woman say we shouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton because she’s a woman, I cringe.  I cringe because nobody is saying anything about the gender of the men candidates. The male presidential candidates do not endure...