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Election Day 2019 is 62 days away

It’s officially election season for the off-year! We’re 62 days away from Election Day 2019—on Nov. 5. Labor Day is the signal for campaigns to step up their outreach and fundraising for the two-month final stretch, and that’s why we...
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Thank you Sen. Gillibrand

By now you’ve heard: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is ending her run for president. Take a second to watch her video announcing the news. It’s powerful: The WomenCount team has been especially saddened, because Sen. Gillibrand is one of the biggest...
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A Chance to Win This Beautiful Scarf!

We don’t want qualified women left off the debate stage—but that could happen if Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand doesn’t meet the 130,000 donor threshold by next Wednesday, Aug. 28. That’s the deadline for qualifying, and Sen. Gillibrand is fewer than 30,000...
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Introducing our interns:

WomenCount was fortunate to have a large class of interns this summer, and they have been busy updating the platform with new candidates, promoting our slates on social media, and thinking about new ways to engage potential donors in crowdfunding...
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For real gun reform, we have to elect Democratic women

After the devastating shootings in El Paso and Dayton, it seems Republicans are warming to the idea of taking on our national epidemic of gun violence. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell actually said last week that gun legislation will be...
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Calling 130,000 Donors:

This week’s second-round Democratic debates seem like they’ll be similar to the first, with the same candidates and only one new top-tier matchup: Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. But for the third round of debates in Houston on Sept. 12...
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Wendy’s pink sneaks are back on the campaign trail

Wendy Davis is running for Congress! She’s set to challenge freshman incumbent Texas Rep. Chip Roy, who won last year by a (barely) 3-point margin. A star-powered, progressive champion like Wendy could be what it takes to make up that...
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Defend the Squad

On Sunday, Donald Trump dropped some of the most racist comments we’ve heard from him in a while, telling Reps. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to “go back” to where they came from. This was in...
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equal pay for equal play

As you read this, members of the US Women's National Soccer Team are parading down New York City's "Canyon of Heroes," a section of Broadway in Lower Manhattan where notable national figures—from astronauts to military heroes to other sports stars—have...