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Empowering Women through Crowdfunding

A great piece from See Jane Run in which Debe Fennell - crowdfunding and marketing expert - talks about Empowering Women through Crowdfunding - This translates from business into politics SO perfectly. “My two partners and I found our niche...
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The real reasons we’ve never had a woman president

Great post from the The Boston Globe: "Women can be 360-degree candidates, be policy-minded, and still talk about family. They no longer have to be versions of men to be successful. Being themselves has much more power than we realized." Read...
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Sometimes The Best Man for the Job… is a Woman

Women make up less than 20% of Congress, yet somehow makeup 56% of the voters. Do the math: 80% of congress - the people making decisions about our lives - are men. What's even more frustrating then the obvious lack...
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More women are needed to run for office

“We don’t have much trust right now among the members of Congress but we have it with the women senators.” - Amy Klobuchar A poignant quote from an interesting viewpoint article from the Pensacola news Journal. We couldn't agree more. In...