•  In the News

How our candidates did last week (not that bad, actually)

We are still waiting on results in some close races, but here’s a quick download on how WomenCount candidates did last Tuesday.  Topline: Overall, it was a rough night for Democrats, especially in Virginia. But not exactly terrible for women,...
  •  In the News

A week from Election Day, 10 women you should support:

There is less than one week until Election Day 2021, so we’ve compiled the most-consequential races in the country featuring women. Chip in $5 or more ASAP and help give these Top 10 candidates a last-minute surge. They are:  Three Virginia...
  •  In the News

7 mayors & prospective mayors need help now

Election Day 2021 is in less than two weeks, and while the national political energy is focused on Virginia, citywide elections are where most of the action will be on November 2.  That’s why WomenCount is watching six close races...
  •  In the News

New Slate: Elect Black Women in Virginia

We’re sending around our Elect Black Women slate again this week —with a twist.  We’re highlighting eight candidates who can hold or flip crucial seats up and down the Virginia ballot this year. Take a look and chip in $5 to...
  •  In the News

Losing Virginia

In less than four weeks, we could lose all of the progress we’ve made turning Virginia blue over the last four years.  According to polls, pundits and both campaigns, the governor’s race is now a tossup. Democrats are projected to...
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The other Thursday deadline

Things are coming to a head in Washington—and the US Senate is *again* the biggest hurdle. To recap, Republicans (and some “centrist” Democrats) are:  Threatening to shut down the government just as our economy is recovering Threatening to block the debt...
  •  In the News

Countdown to Elect Black Women

Six weeks before Election Day, we’re back in your inbox with an update on our Elect Black Women slate—which so far has raised more than $22,000 for Black women running in local races in 2021.  Our partnership with EBW includes 25...
  •  In the News

7 weeks, 7 mayoral candidates

Your Election Day 2021 countdown for this week: Seven mayoral candidates who need your support in the next seven weeks.  Give $5 or more to all of them by chipping in to our 2021 Mayors slate. Here are the candidates—and...
  •  In the News

It’s the final countdown

We are just under eight weeks from the “off-year” Election Day 2021, the *most important* weeks of any election year.  That’s why this week we’re debuting our 2021 Top Races slate, a collection of this year’s races where your donation...
  •  In the News

It’s that time again: Intern slates incoming!

This week we're so proud to present our summer intern slates! As we do every year, we asked each of them to create a personalized WomenCount slate that reflects their values, interests, and experience this summer.  Please read all about...